Posts Tagged ‘purity’

Set Apart

Posted: July 6, 2010 in Thoughts
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I am constantly amazed by the ways God chooses to speak to me! Tonight at the young adults group I go to, He chose to speak to me through a beautiful lady whom I just met!

Set apart.

Standing firm in the unique identity He gave to me.

Humility. Strength. Righteousness not found easily in today’s society.

Never throw away or doubt the values imparted to me by my upbringing. They are a gift from the Lord.

Carrying a mantle of godly purity, honour, holy innocence. Example to this generation.

Embrace being different! Do not conform to the things I see around me. Do not be seduced by the world, how other women dress or carry themselves. I will hold tight to who God made me.

Go deep.

God, make me more and more like you.  You are the standard by which I live. Give me the strength to live the pure life You called me too. You are true beauty. Let me be good and upright in your sight.